Selasa, 31 Mei 2016


NC = Nera Castle
NH = Nera Harbour
Alker = Alker Harbour
WM = Whisper Me
AoE = Area of Effect
PM = Personal/ly Message
Philo = Philosopher (Philosopher Stone enchantment on an item).
Rein = Reinforce/Reinforced
Fix (in personal shops) = Fixed price
DD = Date Dungeon
KS = Kill steal (it is an offence to kill steal)
PT = Party
TP = Teleport
AFK = Away From Keyboard
HQ = High Quality
Perma = Permanent
T = Trading
LF = Looking For
B = Buying
S = Selling
M.Attack = Magic Attack
P.Attack = Physical Attack
Clean = Item that has not been enhanced, reinforced and has not had a philosopher's stone used.
1H = One-handed (Weapons)
2H = Two-handed (Weapons)
Nego = Negotiate
EQ = Equipment
DOT = Damage Over Time
TYT = Take Your Time
RGM = Recruiting Guild Members
BWL= Black Widow Leader
CC = Change Character, Change Channel
GG = Great Gamer, Great Game, Good Game, etc.
GG = Great Garden (Map in Luna Online)
TB = Hunting Partner
G**ld = Gold
Gol* = Gold
G**d = Gold

In-game Items
Puke = Blessed Pukerian's Scroll
PP = Premium Points
GP = Gold Points
Medusa = Medusa's Staff
Holy Set, H. Set, (or similar) = Holy Iron Chain Knight's set. (Heavy Level 105 Armor
Domi = Dominator (Two-Handed Level 115 Ax/Axe)
Flick = Flickering Magic Earring (Level 70 Earring)
7Guard Set (or similar) = Seven Guardian's Set (Level 76 Heavy Armor)
KOD = The King of Darkness (A cloak/cape)
Hellen = Cloak of Hellenopolis
DM = Death Maker (One Handed Weapon Level 115)
BWL= Black Widow Leader (A PP Only Costume)
DS = Dragon Slayer (Sets of PP Only Equipment)
HB Set = Hidden Blade Set
DK Set = Dark Knight Set
CB = Chibi Goth Set (Costume)
CB Set = Concealed Barrier
V. Set = Vestige of Wethering Set
G. Set = Gardener Set
L. Set = Leather Set (Level 115 Light Armor Set)
M. Set = Metal Set (Level 115 Heavy Armor Set)
EOP = Earring of Patience
EOD = Earring of Desire
Hege = Hegemonic Rainbow

Indo = Indonesia
Bagi gold = minta gold
KK = Boy
CC = Girl
Ganteng = Handsome
Cantik = Beauty/Beautiful
Toa = Shout
Polos = Clean
Murah = Cheap
wkwkwkwkwkwkwk = hahahahaha
Apa = What
Di mana = Where
Pensi = Retired/Quitting game
CCD = Cacad

Mahal Kita = I love you
Sali Party = Can I Join The Party?
Mura = Cheap
Penge/Pahingi Gold = Give Me Gold
Potang Ina = Mother F*****R (lporkan org yg bilang ini, ini kata2 buruk)

Lain - Lain
PT = Party
TP = Teleport
Polos = Clean
murah = Cheap 
DM = Death Maker (One Handed Weapon Lvl 115)
Nego = Negotiate
EQ = Equipment

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